Cyber Science 2024
Please download a copy of the Cyber Science 2024 conference event programme. Register to attend, places are limited. The International Conference on Cybersecurity, Situational Awareness and Social Media (Cyber Science 2024) is a multidisciplinary conference. It brings academics, researchers, practitioners and participants together to share and discuss new and emerging ideas, concepts and research outcomes. The conference focuses in advancing the principles, methods and applications of cybersecurity, situational awareness and social media. Cyber Science 2024 invites participants to submit original papers that encompass principles, concepts, analysis, design, methods and applications of cybersecurity, situational awareness and social media. All submitted papers will be independently peer-reviewed, and accepted papers must be registered and presented at the conference in order to be included in the conference proceedings. The conference proceedings will be submitted for consideration for publishing in reputable bibliographic indexes e.g., Springer, DBLP etc. As a yearly conference, the intention is to hold the conference at various locations. The first three Cyber Science events were held in London, followed by Glasgow, Scotland, then the University of Oxford, UK. The 2020 and 2021 editions of the conference were both held at the Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland. 2022 conference was held at the Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, Wales. In 2023, it was held in Copenhagen (the world’s city of Architecture), Aalborg University, Denmark. Cyber Science 2024 will be held at Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland, on 27-28 June 2024. The conference will be in-person only, featuring notable keynote speakers from industry, academia, and government at the 2-day event. These experts will discuss topical and emerging topics ranging from Multidisciplinary and Multidimensional Cybersecurity, Ethical and Responsible use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cyber Insurance, Cyber Situational Awareness, Resilience and Government Security to Blockchain Regulation & Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG). In addition, the 2-day event will hold multiple plenary sessions to foster social interaction and engagement from participants. There will be group photos, social evening-drinks and dinner. Scotland is historic and beautiful place with vast cultural heritage. I encourage you to take this opportunity to submit your work, register, attend, network and learn about the latest cyber research and innovative topics. We look forward to meeting you in Scotland in person.
Theme: Building Community of Best Practice in Cybersecurity
7 Keynote Speakers
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27-28 June 2024
Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland.

- Cyber Situational Awareness
- Artificial Intelligence & Robotics
- Human Factor Cognition
- Blockchain Technologies
- STEM & Cyber Security Education
- Social Media, Wearable and Web Analytics
- Cyber Security
- Application Container Platform Security
- Cyber Incident Response
- The deadline for all submissions is extended to 31st March 2024.
- All submission must be blind copy – meaning authors names should NOT be included on the paper.
- Please prepare your paper according to Springer author’s guidelines.
- All accepted papers must complete a copyright form.
- Authors must use the online submission system hosted by EasyChair Conference System to submit their papers.
- If you don’t have an EasyChair account you will need to create one and then login in order to submit your papers.
- Please read the Submission Instructions before submitting your work in the system.
Submission Types
We accept 4 types of submissions to encourage authors to publish their original materials at the conference proceedings:
Long Papers:
- Long papers should be (25 pages max.) or roughly about (25,000 words).
Short Papers:
- Short papers should be (14 pages max.) or roughly about (14,000 words).
Extended Abstracts:
- Extended abstracts should be about 4-5 pages long including references.
Concept Notes:
- Concept Notes are new ideas or ideas still in the very early stages, usually research results have not been conducted just yet.
Concept notes should be about 2-3 pages long including references.
Presentation Only / Posters:
- Presentation only (poster) submission may not require paper submission, and will only be presented at the conference as a poster, but not included in the proceedings
Submission Types
- Both long (25 pages max., roughly 25,000 words) and short (14 pages max., roughly 14,000 words).
- Paper length or word limit is inclusive of figures and references.
Please note that the series Springer Proceedings in Complexity follows the Reference Style MathPhysSci, Citation Style Numbered and Numbering Style ContentOnly.
- Paper submissions should be written in English.
- Submission electronically via the EasyChair conference portal.
- Submission file formats are PDF and Microsoft Word using the Springer Paper Templates.
- Authors of accepted papers will complete a copyright form per paper. You can download a copy of the copyright form, here.